The belly fat and excessive body weight not only look bad but also disturb the normal function of the body organs. High body weight increases the risk of problems like fatty liver, heart blockage, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and many diseases. So it is very important to reduce the excess fat in the body.
The following are some amazing foods that lose weight. These foods are not only backed by ayurveda, but modern studies have also confirmed their effect on weight loss.
1. Hot Water
It has low calories, and it is probably the best drink to lose weight and body fat. Hot water breaks down the deposited fat into molecules and makes it easy for the digestive system to burn it. Drinking hot water activates the metabolism by increasing the body temperature. This increases blood circulation, which helps to lose weight.
A fat belly doesn't always mean fat, but it also contains digestive waste. Hot water fastens bowl movement and allows the better elimination of waste. Hot water dilutes the waste product present in the blood, thus detoxifying the kidney through urine.
2. Alla, Alovera and Ginger juice
Amla, Alovera and ginger juice have miraculous fat burning properties. Alla is rich in vitamin C, which helps in metabolism and burns fat. A study has shown that consuming amla daily leads to lower food craving, thus decreasing their overall calories. Alovera juice is high in fiber and it reduces blood sugar levels. Ginger juice is very good for metabolism. It promotes the feeling of fullness and increases thermogenesis, which is really ideal for fat burning. The combination of three juices, if taken for two months daily, it will burn fat in a very effective manner.
3. Cabbage
Cabbage is low in calories, high in fibers and filled with water, due to which it adds bulk to stool and cleans the inner system of the body. As cabbage is rich in minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and sulfur compounds, it keeps hunger hormone in control for a long period.
4. Whole green moog dal
The whole green moong dal has high fibers, high proteins and light for the digestive system. Green Moog dal in sprouted form has low calories and high protein, which is considered as an ideal food for weight loss. Consuming sprouted moog dal salad for breakfast would be the best time.
5. Barley
Barley has the property to burn the accumulated fat which is present anywhere in the body. It contains soluble and soluble fibers. Barley reduces bad cholesterol and blood sugar and decreases stress levels. Thus, stress eating will be restricted and increase fat burning. We can take barley in the form of barley water, barley chapati, barley daliya, barley sattu.